What you likely know is that Meals on Wheels is a non-profit that deliveries hot meals to individuals in the community. Most individuals do not realize how much work goes on behind the scenes before delivery of these meals. The San Antonio location is the only Meals on Wheels location that makes their own meals in house for the individuals of the community.
Behind the scenes are many caring, loving, and selfless individuals that help keep our community fed. Mary Tijerina is one of these individuals that helps keep the wheels turning here. Currently Meals on Wheels delivers 3,400 meals and this number is steadily increasing. Every day for the past 20 years Mary has been up bright and early to ensure our community is receiving a nutritious meal.
She found a listing in the newspaper for a job as a helper in the kitchen and was hired the week of her interview. When hired she was told to make each meal as if it was made for her own family. Mary excelled at this job and within two weeks was promoted to the kitchen lead & special diet’s coordinator. Her job is to prepare the special diet meals and make sure the kitchen line runs smooth. Special diets include meals such as ground and puree that are prepared for individuals with dysphagia.
Mary goes above and beyond her job title every single day. She not only does her job, but she also helps in a variety of areas. She helps with packing the breakfast and frozen meals, the chefs, training volunteers and deliveries.
Two years ago, Mary was personally impacted by Meals on Wheels as members of her family started to receive meals.
Meals on Wheels is much more than job to Mary. Everyday she is making an impact in our community and with her family. She is fulfilled knowing that she is lending a helping hand to someone in need.