
Vinsen Faris
Chief Executive Officer | email | LinkedIn
Vinsen Faris holds a Master’s in Public Administration from The University of Texas at Arlington School of Urban and Public Affairs. A past Board Chair of Meals on Wheels America, Vinsen is recognized locally, statewide, and nationally as an advocate for senior issues, especially senior hunger.

Forrest Myane
Chief Strategy & Development Officer | email | LinkedIn
Forrest Myane holds a B.S. in Communications from the University of Texas at Austin. She has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit development in San Antonio, most recently serving as the Director of Development at the Witte Museum.

Kate Phipps
Chief Services Officer | email | LinkedIn
Kate Phipps is a passionate advocate for the community of older adults, holding a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from UTSA and a Master's degree in Long Term Care from Texas State University. With a dedication to maintaining dignity and quality of life for our clients, Kate is committed to improving the lives of older adults, especially the most vulnerable, through her work.

Allie Rodriguez
Director of Client Services | email 
Allie Rodriguez has a decade of nonprofit experience, focusing on the health and wellness field. Her Bachelor of Science in Public Health and immense desire to help those most vulnerable in her community are perfect for her role to ensure those who most need more than a meal can receive it. 

Christina Avena
Director of Alzheimer's Services | email
Christina Avena has a B.A in Mass Communications from Texas State University and over 15 years of experience in nonprofit work. She has an extensive background in serving seniors, most recently as Programs Coordinator for the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Adriona Irby Knight
Director of Individual Giving  | email | LinkedIn
Adriona Irby Knight has almost 15 years of experience in fundraising for Meals on Wheels San Antonio. As the Individual Giving Director, she oversees our annual giving efforts, setting strategy and executing fundraising plans to sustain and grow our mission of delivering more than a meal.

Ariana Barbour
Director of Marketing & Communications | email | LinkedIn
Ariana Barbour holds a B.S. in Public Relations from the University of  Florida and a Master of Arts in Advertising from The University of Texas at Austin. She has over 15 years of marketing and communications experience, including agency, volunteer, and nonprofit work.

Jacqueline Munoz
Director of Human Resources  | email | LinkedIn
Jacqueline Munoz holds a B.A. in Human Resources from Concordia University Texas. She has seven years of nonprofit experience in San Antonio and 12 years of Human resources experience. She is currently pursuing her SHRM-SCP. 

Jose Lerma
Director of Special Initiatives | email | LinkedIn
Jose Lerma holds a B.S. in Broadcast Meteorology with a Minor in Communication Arts and a Master of Administration with a Concentration in Communication Arts. He has eight years of nonprofit experience in San Antonio.