Sponsor a Pet

become an animeals sponsor today!


“Honestly, the food, the caring, and compassion they show to my babies. They are not my pets; they are my children.”

- AniMeals Recipient when asked about the program

Branded Page Break - AniMeals Sponsor

For a modest $12 a month, you can provide food for a single pet, while a contribution of $200 will feed a whole route of 10 furry friends. By becoming an AniMeals Sponsor, you can make a big difference in the lives of our senior neighbors and their pets, keeping them healthy, happy, and in their homes. As a reminder, mail donations must be postmarked by December 31!

Take a look below to view the pet sponsorship opportunities:

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If you have questions regarding AniMeals sponsorships, please contact Jillian Huskin by email or by calling 210-735-5115.