Save Our Grants!

Meals on Wheels is powered by people just like you. Together, we are millions of seniors, volunteers, dedicated staff, and donors strong. We need your help to fund and protect the programs that support older adults.

With a continuing resolution met to keep programs funded through the end of the federal fiscal year, it is essential to urge Congress to continue protecting and increasing funding for Meals on Wheels programs nationwide. Simply maintaining current funding levels isn’t an acceptable outcome, and in fact, it would represent a funding cut at a time when more investments are desperately needed. Studies have shown that Meals on Wheels programs have positively impacted the community, ensuring seniors have a home-delivered meal and a safety check provided by neighbors volunteering in their community.

"Even though Meals on Wheels serves more than 2 million seniors, we know that an additional 2.5 million likely need meals but are not receiving essential services, and 1 in 3 providers already has a waitlist", says Ellie Hollander, President and CEO of Meals on Wheels America.

Seniors are depending on us to speak out and demand action—contact your Senators and Representatives today!

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Tips when calling elected officials

It is good to contact your members of Congress through phone calls in addition to emails because calls signal a higher level of engagement. To prepare, save the D.C. phone numbers of your representatives and senators and understand their priorities. When calling, you might reach a staffer, get voicemail, or hear a message indicating no one is available. Start by identifying yourself as a constituent with your zip code and then share your message or concerns. It's important to ask for a response to demonstrate your investment in the issue. Keep your calls brief, stay cordial, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. The key takeaway is to call regularly and make your voice heard on issues that matter to you.

When you call, one of three things will happen:

  1. A staffer picks up
  2. You get voicemail
  3. You hear a message about no one being available and can’t leave a voicemail

If you speak to a staffer, make sure to identify yourself as a constituent from your zip code. The staff might ask for your full address to confirm you are a constituent. 

If you call and get voicemail, you can always follow that up with an email letting them know that you tried calling and either left a voicemail or that you couldn't leave a voicemail and were frustrated by that!

Still unsure what to say when calling? Don't worry! Here's an easy script for you!

I'm a constituent from ZIP CODE and I urge you to protect the Social Services Block Grant Program, or SSBG, which is crucial for supporting older adults. SSBG funds Meals on Wheels programs that are lifelines providing essential services, including home-delivered meals, transportation assistance, and in-home care for seniors. Currently, one in three Meals on Wheels programs has a waitlist, including the one in San Antonio. Seniors in San Antonio and Bexar County might have to wait up to 8 months to receive meals. Cuts to SSBG would exacerbate this crisis, leading to more malnutrition, health issues, and increased hospitalizations among older adults. This not only affects the well-being of seniors but also places a greater financial burden on local governments and taxpayers due to rising Medicaid and Medicare costs. Investing in SSBG is a cost-effective strategy to help seniors age with dignity in their own homes and communities while ultimately reducing the financial pressure on our healthcare system. I strongly urge you to oppose any cuts to SSBG and advocate for continued funding in the upcoming budget discussions. Thank you for your attention to this vital issue affecting millions of seniors!

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how to email elected officials 

Do you need to send an email to your elected official? There's a template for that! Click the button below to show your support for America's seniors. The page provides you with an easy format in which you can be active and engage with your elected officials to help make a difference in your community. All you have to do is complete the information in the link below and you'll be on your way to helping us continue delivering More Than A Meal!

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SAVING THE Social ServiceS Block Grant

The proposed elimination of the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) program would have devastating consequences for the large number of Meals on Wheels providers that rely on these funds to deliver critical services.

You can read more about the impact this can have on the Meal on Wheels America website.

Luckily, you can advocate for the seniors in your community by contacting your elected officials below!

We've compiled some information about our Program to help you fill out the blanks in the messaging:

Service Area

  • 9 Counties in South Central Texas


  • 947


  • We’ve been serving seniors in our community for almost 50 years, helping to improve health outcomes and reduce loneliness amongst our society's most vulnerable.


  • Federal funding for Meals on Wheels helps make sure the people who built our communities receive the nutrition and attention they deserve. As it stands, we know the need is great because we have a waitlist. Our home-delivered meal service waiting list is 6 months long and growing longer every day because the resources haven’t kept up with demand.

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We can't thank you enough for your time and dedication to serving the seniors in our community and helping us continue to provide a warm meal, a friendly visit and a safety check!

Please click the links below if you would like to continue to learn more about our services or contribute by donating to our organization!