Excerpt from KSAT 12 Article
Meals on Wheels San Antonio is working hard to help elderly people in the city. The organization says it is working to provide extra food supplies to their at-risk, elderly clients who face mobility challenges.
Currently, Meals on Wheels serves as a lifeline for 5,000 seniors in Bexar County.
Listed below is its plan to help senior citizens amid the coronavirus pandemic:
Meals on Wheels’ meal delivery plan:
Staff, volunteers, visitors and anyone who works with or near our food supplies are trained in frequent hand-washing, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning and disinfecting areas frequently and staying home when ill.
We continue to utilize appropriate cleaners to sanitize all surfaces and keep our meals and food areas safe.
Starting March 14, clients will receive additional meals to keep in their homes in case of an interruption in delivery service.
Those delivering food will practice social distancing during the meal drops, handwashing and only participate if healthy.
Our goal is to continue to deliver meals to our clients, a mostly elderly, high-risk population, and check on their safety during this time.
Extra food supply boxes of shelf-stable or refrigerated meals to deliver to clients as needed
To help: donations of funds will help to purchase extra food and supply box needs. Donations are available online at www.mowsatx.org
Current courses of action:
Meals on Wheels – Meals on Wheels is suspending in-person client intakes and re-assessments immediately. New clients will be screened over the phone and put on meal service as quickly as possible. Those delivering food are instructed to report back to Meals on Wheels San Antonio staff if there is a client concern observed during delivery.
Grace Place Alzheimer’s Activity Centers – staff is taking additional steps to protect clients onsite by temperature checking staff and clients and temporarily canceling any outside visitors from entering the centers.
Friendly Visitor – Program will immediately suspend in-person client visits and ask volunteers to call clients two times a week instead.
AniMeals – Staff and volunteers will deliver food for the companion dogs and cats of MOWSA clients this weekend and use social distancing practices.
COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new virus, stands for coronavirus disease 2019. The disease first appeared in late 2019 in Wuhan, China, but spread around the world in early 2020, causing the World Health Organization to declare a pandemic in March.